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Megastar Amitabh Bachchan celebrated his 81st birthday recently and his co-star in multiple films Zeenat Aman missed out on wishing him. However, her belated birthday wish comes with a long tale from their past association and its ‘pure gold’.The duo starred together in films like Laawaris (1981), Dostana (1980), Mahaan (1983) and Pukar (1983) to name a few. InstagramZeenat narrated a tale involving Big B that left her in tears.However, Big B later apologised and sorted things out. Mentioning that she accepts the fact that she’s late to wish, Zeenat shared ‘the story of the only time she remembers Amitabh being late to set’. Zeenat wrote, “For reasons that will become clear – I’m not going to mention the name of the film we were shooting for, nor the year, nor the names of the director and producer involved.”She then went on to narrate the incident and shared that it was a morning shoot and she was ready to roll with all lines fully rehearsed on her way to set.“Upon my arrival, I went directly to my makeup room and informed the crew to send me a message once Mr. Bachchan was ready for the shot. Our “roll time” came and went, but there was no sign of Mr Bachchan. 30 minutes passed. Then 45. An entire hour went by before there was a knock on the door. An AD informed me that Mr. Bachchan had arrived. And that he’d run straight from his car to the set!” Film CompanionSoon after hearing that, Zeenat immediately showed up on the set just to hear a series of abuses from the director.Zeenat detailed, “He was absolutely catatonic, and under the impression that it was I who had held up production. The cast and crew stood in stunned silence as this director ranted and raved at me. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways, and tears of indignation rushed to my eyes. I glared at the director, did an about-turn, marched straight back to my makeup room and told my team to pack up.”Zeenat shared that as soon as her team started to pack up, the film’s producer came to settle the matter and soon after Big B showed up.Amitabh told Zeenat, “Babs, I know it’s my fault. The man is a fool and he’s drunk. Let it go and let’s get to work.” Zeenat added, “I accepted Mr. Bachchan’s apology of course but I was still stinging from the unwarranted dressing down I had received. I was in no mood to shoot after that humiliation. When I finally softened and agreed to come back on set, the director threw himself at my feet and begged for my forgiveness.”Zeenat concluded by revealing that although she completed shooting for the film, she never worked with that director again.For more news and updates from the world of celebrities from Bollywood and Hollywood, keep reading Indiatimes Entertainment.

Source by indiatimesofficial
