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Image courtesy: © ThinkstockPavani and Raghuram Sharma have been married for six years. She’s a media planner and he’s a banker. They have a three-year-old daughter Riya. When they are not busy with their jobs, they are concentrating on Riya and her needs.”I can’t remember the last time we spent any time together, just the two of us. I feel all the romance is gone – we are heading towards a loveless marriage,” says Pavani. Lustre lost Pavani’s fears are not unjustified. Relationships change over the years as other priorities take centre stage in your life. Romance gives way to irritation and arguments. “Ego hassles and lack of quality time with each other can distance couples,” says relationship counsellor Kavita Laihiri.Bring back the spark that got you together in the first place! Here’s how: Revive romance No it’s not being juvenile! Hide a note in his tiffin or leave a card for him in the car. Share your feelings and passion. The age of email has killed the romance of letters. Write him one and he’s sure to love it. Take time outPlan a weekend outing. It does not have to be expensive or complex. It could be as simple as planning a picnic at a nearby scenic spot – anything that gives the two of you time together that you need so badly. Body language No, we don’t mean jump each other at every chance (though that may not be a bad idea!). Be a little imaginative. Offer him a massage and see him relax enough to give you a night to remember! Pamper each other Take turns at giving the other one relief from your daily routine. It could be as small as letting her sleep an extra hour while you make breakfast or as big as getting him tickets to that match he wants to watch with his buddies. Pack a surprise Couples lose spontaneity when they move from a relationship to marriage. You could just cook his favourite meal or leave your child with your parents for the night to squeeze in some couple time.The key is to add fun to your relationship in the time you spend together so that you can rekindle that lost love. Start with listening to your spouse. He or she may be feeling the same way.

Source by stpierreroland
